Live Performance
The combination of sounds and images doesn’t necessarily only occur on the screen with us. During our audiovisual live performances, we quite like to take up the entire space, using the surrounding walls as our canvas, while generating live music and sounds to create an immersive and multisensory experience for the audience. This year, we are excited about two impressive Czech projects that will transform the Ovalhalle in the MuseumsQuartier into an intermedial space of perception live on Saturday night. (db)
The combination of sounds and images doesn’t necessarily only occur on the screen with us. During our audiovisual live performances, we quite like to take up the entire space, using the surrounding walls as our canvas, while generating live music and sounds to create an immersive and multisensory experience for the audience. This year, we are excited about two impressive Czech projects that will transform the Ovalhalle in the MuseumsQuartier into an intermedial space of perception live on Saturday night. (db)