Mattress Call
Mattress Call
This year we ask again: Share with us your sleeping mats, mattresses and sofa beds!
On the occasion of the International Short Film Festival VIENNA SHORTS, which will take place from May 25 to May 30, 2022, filmmakers from all over the world will finally visit us again! The creatives behind the films are eager to get to know Vienna, the flair of the city and the cheerful and grumpy Viennese. Since we have already had great experiences with this hosting program and are unfortunately too poor for hotel rooms for all our guests, it's your turn now!
How it works
If you are interested in hosting one (or more) of the filmmakers, feel free to fill out the questionnaire and we will connect you to your ideal guest(s). In short: organized couchsurfing. As a thank you, all hosts will receive the VIENNA SHORTS PASS, which grants free access to the cinema and online program. And of course, a priceless international acquaintance!
One more important thing
We are aware that there are people in need right now who are urgently looking for accommodation and it may not seem appropriate to look for sleeping places for filmmakers under these circumstances. Please fill out the questionnaire only if you are not already hosting a person from Ukraine and ask yourself beforehand if your sleeping accommodation would be suitable for them. Of course, we do not want to take away a space from anyone with this campaign.
So if you have a place to stay for one or more guests from May 24 to May 31, 2022, please fill out this form!
Thank you very much, best regards,
the VIENNA SHORTS Hospitality Team
News 11.4.2022