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Get to know our juries

Get to know our juries

Without them there would be no beaming winners at the end of the festival: the juries of our four competition categories. Twelve experts from the cultural sector donate their time and knowledge to view and discuss films and ultimately decide who will receive the VIENNA SHORTS awards. Our jury members come from seven different countries, are artists themselves, write about film or (co-)organize festivals. Get to know them before you meet them in the cinema between June 1 and 6:

  • Fiction & Documentary: Daniella Shreir (UK), Greg de Cuir Jr. (US), Fabian Eder (AT)
  • Animation Avantgarde: Giovanna Thiery (DE), Stefan Stratil (AT), Olga Bobrowska (PL)
  • Österreich Wettbewerb: Cis Bierinckx (BE), Katrin Mundt (DE), Bianca Jasmina Rauch (AT)
  • Österreichischer Musikvideopreis: Dorian Concept (AT), Douwe Dijkstra (NL), Morena Faverin (IT)

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News 14.4.2023