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Our anniversary program is here!

Our anniversary program is here!

Finally we can share it with you, the wonderful, rich anniversary program of VIENNA SHORTS!

340 films from 58 countries will be screened at six venues in Vienna from June 1 to 6 and online until June 30, with around two-thirds of them being shown in Austria for the first time. Under the motto Just A Moment, Please!, we pause for a moment and celebrate our birthday with a closing party, we marvel at our 95 competition films, break the boundaries of cinema with open-air evenings and live performances, get to know our portrait guests Kevin J. Everson, Claudrena N. Harold as well as Christiana Perschon and invite the youngest in the morning and the genre lovers in the late evening to the cinema.

The MuseumsQuartier will serve as our festival center with five open-air events and the Milieukino in its courtyard. Another new venue is the Blickle Kino in Belvedere 21. Plus, we are excited about a wonderful anniversary offer: Everyone under 20 years of age will get into the cinema for free this year!

Browse through the schedule of our 20th edition and get your festival pass for cinema & online (€ 25) or online only (€ 10). Only 3 weeks to go!



News 10.5.2023