Program line

VR the world VIS Vienna Shorts 2018 - We Need To Disagree 



Lake Baikal: The Science and Spirituality of Extreme Water Episode 1: Winter Spirit

Michael Owen, Georgy Molodtsov, RU/US 2016, 7 min 20 sec
No dialog with No subtitles subtitles, Color, Austrian premiere

Extreme sensation, extreme isolation, and an extreme medium. Siberia shot on 360-degree film becomes a poignant geographical metaphor for community and spirituality, where three different religious creeds exist side by side. In this minimalistic documentary, it’s not about emotional overload, but rather gaining a sense of place. (dm)
Cast Georgy Molodtsov Cinematography Michael Owen Director Michael Owen, Georgy Molodtsov Production Michael Owen, Georgy Molodtsov

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